GAUZER is the first company in Greece to have looked into the drain back system, presenting in 2010, after 7 years of research the Integra line, whilst it is one of the four top brand names worldwide, that is specialized in this field.
The procedure of the drain back was implemented in order to simplify the function of the solar systems, as well as to reinforce their protection. More specifically, the collectors drain when the temperature is lower than that of the boiler tank service water (ZNX). This way, we are able to avoid the phenomenon of the heat reverse flow and to protect the collectors from the frost and the boiler heated service water from overheating. Moreover, for the same reason, the collectors drain when the temperature of the ZNX tank exceeds 85 C, whilst in case of a blackout, the system automatically enters a safety function state until the restoration.
Consequently, the choice of Integra, the drain back system that has been created and evolved exclusively by GAUZER provides you:
- INCREASED PERSISTENCE thanks to its revolutionary function
- UNWAVERING CREDIBILITY compared to any other kind of solar system
The installation of an Integra drain back solar system is recommended for:
- Domestic systems ZNX for pool and spaces heating
- Professional Units (offices, companies, blocks etc.)
- Community and Accommodation Groups (Guest houses, Hotels, gyms etc.)
Read further information about the Integra drain back systems,
that are created and supplied by GAUZER
Το ιδανικό σύστημα drain back έως 200lt
Mega Integra
Το απόλυτο σύστημα drain back από 300lt έως 1.500lt